Gallery exhibition

" I want to make a purchase after actually seeing it. "

" I want to see it for the time being. "

For such people, we are exhibiting a gallery of "Masujiro".

Please see and touch it to experience "Masujiro".

In addition to "Masujiro", we have prepared various tin products.

You can see tinware and tin products that are different from conventional tinware and tin products.

Please feel free to visit us.

Currently, reservations are required due to the influence of COVID-19.

Contact us for the date and time you want to visit. Please contact here.

The person in charge will contact you at a later date.

The location will be the address below.

Sales consignment company RNC Co., Ltd.
Sales consignment representative Representative Director Higa Futoya
Location Higashi-Nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, 1-23-4 MS VILLAGE201
Phone number +81-3-5989-1207(Reception hours: 10:00 to 18:00)