Privacy policy

In order not to damage the relationship of trust with our customers, this shop complies with laws and regulations related to the Personal Information Protection Law and other norms, and in order to properly handle the personal information entrusted to us by our customers, we have the following policies Is determined.

We will ensure that all employees comply with this policy, and continually review and improve the content.

■Use of personal information

Our shop collects information that can be used to identify individuals and transaction information collected from customers using this service, or information obtained from web server log analysis, etc., except for the purpose of shipping products or for any of the following purposes. There is no use.

  1. To introduce our products and services
  2. To request your opinions and impressions about us or our products and services
  3. In order to use it for the purpose for which we have individually contacted the user and obtained their individual consent.
  4. For us to create your statistical data

■Handling and management of personal information

This shop properly manages the personal information provided by users, and does not disclose the information to any third party except in the following cases.

  1. With the consent of the user
  2. When disclosing to the extent necessary to companies that have a confidentiality agreement with us in advance
  3. When it is deemed appropriate to respond to inquiries from users from affiliated companies of this shop
  4. When disclosure is required by court or law
  5. When it is necessary to disclose to protect the rights or property of this shop/user or a third party

We will sincerely respond to requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of use of the customer's personal information held by this shop.

■Contact Us

For inquiries and consultation regarding the handling of personal information, please contact us here.